It is wonderful to feel the grandness of Canada in the raw
Emily Carr
The second-largest country in the world, Canada’s borders stretch towards the coasts of the Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans. There is no shortage of scenery here – from the Niagara Falls, Rocky Mountains, beaches, and lakes, to cosmopolitan cities, rustic villages, harbors, and historic sites.
Canadians are crazy about hockey but golf is a game that flows brilliantly with the country’s breathtaking landscapes. It has over 2,000 golf courses of diverse features and offerings such as parkland golf, snow and ice golf, mountain golf, links golf, tundra golf, catering to each enthusiast’s kind of game.
Canada’s Top 10 Courses
- Cabot Cliffs – Inverness, Nova Scotia
- The National Golf Club of Canada – Woodbridge, Ontario
- St. George’s Golf and Country Club – Etobicoke, Ontario
- Capilano Golf and Country Club – West Vancouver, B.C.
- Fairmont Jasper (Alb.) Park Lodge Golf Club – Jasper, Alberta
- Cabot Links – Inverness, Nova Scotia
- Memphrémagog Golf Club – Magog, Quebec
- Tobiano Golf Course – Kamloops, B.C.
- Hamilton Golf & Country Club (West/South) – Ancaster, Ontario
- Muskoka Bay Club – Gravenhurst, Ontario